Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Paper Bride: Etienne Brunel

Looking to glow on your wedding day? As promised, here is a wedding gown designer based in Paris who creates wearable paper wedding gowns! Etienne Brunel custom designs ethereal gowns made of two layers. The first layer is sculpted to the bride's body while the outer layer is made of filter paper to create an ethereal effect as the bride moves and poses in the sunlight.

above: the diaphanous materials are waterproof and flameproof.

above: You can also make appointments for fittings at Maison Blanche, a beautiful country manor just outside of Paris.


Anonymous said...

wow, it looks just like silk chiffon!

Tadalafil said...

Hi! I found your blog by a fluke, however I was looking for my wedding dress, and honestly I want someone like that one. Could you tell me what it cost is??? I'll appreciate it pretty much.